Individual and Group Coaching

My Core Coaching Principles

Commitment and Accountability 
To receive the program’s benefits, coachees need to make a commitment to the program for its duration, to “show up and choose to be present” at sessions, and to independently manage and be accountable for any exercises or practices outside of the coaching session. Whimsy@Work LLC makes the same commitments, with the addition of session preparation, notes, and documentation to assess client progress and to tailor the session to the client’s unique personality, goals, and circumstances.

Mind-Body Connection and Self-Reflection
In the fast-paced modern workplace, employees too often lose touch with their best selves as they respond to increased expectations, seemingly high stakes, and a never-ending flow of urgent communications. Slowing down and breathing, anchoring oneself in the present and dispassionately observing body tension, emotions, and thoughts lead to a clarity and calm that can reduce stress and uncover priorities and next steps.

The Four Universal Communication Principles -
I use Angeles Arrien’s principles, which are the backbone of the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute. The principles are embedded in every coaching session, exercise, or modality. They are:
   Show Up and Choose to be Present
   Pay Attention to What Has Heart and Meaning
   Tell the Truth without Blame or Judgment
   Be Open to Outcome, Not Attached to Outcome

A Coach Does Not Develop People, a Coach Equips People to Develop Themselves
My approach to coaching is to ask curious questions designed to unveil clients’ inner genius for solutions. Unlike mentoring and advising which leverage the mentor/advisor’s experiences to offer insights, the coach observes, listens, probes, and clarifies in partnership with the coachee, always tying back to their stated coaching goals and objectives.

Consistent Framework
Individual coaching sessions after the initial goal setting and commitment session will follow a consistent framework over 50-60 minutes.

After an initial mindfulness exercise (to open and calm the body and mind), we will check in on the status of open items from last session and clarify the topic and goals for the current session (flowing from the overarching goals, but open if there’s something specific for you that day).

As the questions and discussion flow, the I will focus questions that clarify the reality (vs assumptions or inferences) of a point-of-view or experience and encourage you to volunteer and clarify options to clear obstacles and achieve goals.

A final wrap-up will clarify homework actions and provide an honorable closure for the session. You will be accountable for your own notes/actions, which will be reviewed at the start of the next session.

Rule #6: Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously – W@W believes that the introduction of lightness, whimsy, and shared humor at work opens the imagination and inspires optimism. Positive intelligence research tells us that the human brain is wired to remember negative experiences more than positive ones. Coaching session exercises assist you in building immunity to negative thoughts, opening the mind to novel ideas, and inspiring creativity.