Welcome to Whimsy@Work LLC

Lighten your load with expert higher education analytics/data governance strategy,  budget and planning advisory, and transformational organization change capabilities.  Lighten your spirit with team-building and coaching.

Change is hard.  Why not Whimsy@Work?

Back in the day when I was coding Access databases, I built a bunch of macros for processing my monthly reports that launched when I clicked a "My Job" button.   I never thought that I was working myself out of a job.  Just wanted to do more interesting things.  There are hundreds of analysts across higher ed interested in doing more interesting things.  They want to make a real impact on their institutions and the world.  They inspire me.

I value quality, timeliness and efficiency.  I love to eliminate duplicative, mundane work; make order out of chaos; and facilitate analysis and decision-making.   And I love to do it in collaboration with smart, creative people.


Higher education analytics assessments, strategies, and roadmaps

Data Governance

Assessment, strategy, roadmaps, program and policy development

Org Change Management

Higher ed org change assessments, strategy, roadmaps, and project plans

Budget and Planning Advisory

Through my partnership with Tru Consulting I provide high-level process and readiness assessments, strategies, and roadmaps in advance of planning systems implementations.


Leverage the lightness and joy of the Whimsy@Work program to inspire creativity and build trust for high-performance teams

Individual and Group Coaching

As a certified executive coach from the Berkeley Executive Coaching Program (BECI), I can help with career development, leading change, and managing teams with heart and meaning.